Monday, July 7, 2008

We have tadpoles...

Ok, some background first... So the house that we rent comes with a 24ft above-ground pool. The porch off the kitchen has a deck built that goes around the back of the house to access the pool. I've sunk over $200 each summer for the last two summers on shock it, chlorine tablets, and baking soda to get the pool clean enough to use (and maintain the clean). That's not counting the $175 (plus tax)for the deck to pool ladder as the one on it when we moved in was broken. The previous tenants had duct taped it together so the landlord wouldn't notice. So approximately $600 dollars (not counting electric for the pump) later you know how much I've been able to use it?!?! Umm,... I think I let my feet dangle in it for about 10 minutes last summer!!

Mike couldn't get the old ladder off so my brother, Blayne, did it for me when he was up the first fall. Mike tried to put the new ladder on last year, and couldn't get the second bolt into the deck. What I didn't know is that he didn't weigh down the bottom of the new ladder with the bricks I had set on the deck for that purpose... Until this spring when the pool thawed, and the air bubbles popped the ladder to the top of the pool and sideways breaking it in two... You can see why I decided I wasn't going to open the pool this summer, right?? I mean what a money pit.

Well, now bring in the fact that we have at least 2-3 frogs hanging out in our backyard. Their croaks all sound different so I ASSUMED they were different species of frogs... I mean we have an abundance of species in the area... Do you see where this is going yet?!?! LOL

Yup! Apparently the frogs think my pool is the perfect pond. I went out two nights ago to try to find the one that sounds like it is living in my pool, and found TADPOLES!!! Scads and scads of tadpoles!!! ROLMAO Can't wait 'til they all start croaking!!!

I have two LOs to share as well...

Title: Independence Day (Micaila 2008)
Paper and elements from The Spirit of Hanna Kit by eNKay Designs of Purple Paper Flowers.
Photos by me.
Fonts: Kingsthings Whizbang; Jungle Juice

LO completes the July Font Challenge at

Title: Frosting... hold the cake!
Paper and elements from The Way You Look Tonight Kit by Amanda Dykan of Get Digi With It.
Photos by my dad.
Fonts: Kaileen

LO completes the Featured Product Challenge at Get Digi With It for July.

I need to go work on a LO before work. Not to mention the dishes and garbage to the curb... Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!


movefearlessly said...

sorry about the tadpoles - it IS kinda funny tho!! great layouts!

Anonymous said...

Hey it could be worse! Could be snakes! LOL

Miranda Barten said...

I always love to see someone elses garden

Great lo's!

Amanda said...

man, that stinks! I'm sure one of the selling points on the home was the pool! sorry you can't use it. Your kids will love the baby frogs though!

Anonymous said...

Love the fireworkds on the first lo! Tadpoles! LOL!

Jackie said...

tadpoles? I'm sure those frogs appreciate all the money you put out for their cement pond. *laffs* Love the LOs!!

Kristine said...

now wasnt that nice of you to put out money to upkeep a frog pond...ROFL!!!!

Once those tadpoles get bigger, the serenading will be much louder...I dont envy you!!!

Fun story!!!

Mojo said...

tadpoles, how fun is that. Could be peeper frogs, they'd be driving you crazy.Besides people pay big money for those homemade ponds around here, toss in some, fish and you'll be right in fashion hehe of outside decor, tho I can't say much for swimming in it

AfriDigiDiva said...

Tadpoles! Egads woman! But you know, they do serve a purpose. You should have a mosquito free summer.

Amanda said...

That's exactly why we got rid of our pool. Although we didn't have tadpoles, we had a pair of ducks from the pond down by the park that would come make their nest and swim in our pool and the neighbor's pool since they were mere feet apart.

Shannon said...

Your tadpole story is pretty funny! We have toads here - big fat ones that live in my garden. Your LOs are fabulous as always!